Allied bowler Addison Liesher earns average of 166


Photo provided by Dana Leisher

Allied bowler Addison Leisher (’20) stands among winners of the Pennsylvania Junior Bowling Tournament. Liesher has won over 800$ in scholarship money in his bowling efforts.

Will Wilkinson, Reporter

Allied bowler Addison Leisher (’20) has been chosen as the March athlete of the month. Addison has achieved an allied bowling average of 166 while also maintaining an average of 187 in his youth bowling league. Leisher has been bowling for about four years and has significantly improved upon his first year average of 132.
“Addison has been a great teammate constantly encouraging and supporting others and by just bowling consistently all season,” Coach Ric Evans said in an e-mail. “For a freshman to come in and just fit right in and embrace how much fun Allied sports can be is an example of what a great kid he is!”
Though Leisher has yet to achieve a perfect game (12 strikes in a row) he has been close. In a practice session with Allied bowling Leisher bowled six consecutive strikes, missed one pin, and then finished with five more consecutive strikes.
“I was in a mild state of sorrow because of my rookie mistake of only missing one pin,” Leisher said.
Leisher participates in a youth bowling league in Hanover, Pennsylvania with around 80 other members. Leisher carries the fifth highest average among his league mates and he continues to improve upon his average by one or two pins each week.
Leisher has received scholarships, cash prizes, and the feeling of success throughout his bowling career. Leisher played in a doubles tournament with a teammate and they went on to win the tournament earning a cash prize of $240.00 each accompanied by a plaque. He also participates in PJBTs (Pennsylvania Junior Bowling Tournaments) where he has placed second, fifth, and also tied for sixth. Through these tournaments Leisher has been awarded $600.00 in scholarship funds.
Leisher was bowling with his youth league against the second best team in the league when he was up to bowl he missed the first strike but got the spare. After, missing the first he went on to bowl eight consecutive strikes followed by a spare, with a strike on his last bowl. Leisher scored a personal best of 269 points in this match which was considered an “honor game” meaning he left no pin standing. He tallied a series score (all 3 games combined) of 678 pins which helped his team get the win.
“Addison is a remarkable player, team leader,” teammate Matt Tracey said. “If it weren’t for his impressive score and positive attitude I don’t think we would have won so many matches,” teammate Matt Tracey.