Music classes are more than just playing an instrument

Students in Mr. Sobel’s intermediate and advanced guitar classes listening to senior Ben Pfitzinger play a solo piece.

Sydney Goorevitz, Reporter

Most students think the purpose of music class to is to find a new hobby or listen to music. There are many benefits to taking music classes such as obtaining new skills and preparing for future careers.  

With any music class, like singing, guitar, band, or orchestra, most students learn discipline. When messing up a hard piece of work, it leaves students frustrated. According to “9 Benefits of Music Lessons” this teaches students that hard work and dedication can only help them become better. Music is something that is not handed to you. When a student wants to get somewhere with music, they have to work for it. Teaching students that they need to work in order to achieve their goals is significant benefit. 

Music can also strengthen the mind. While playing music, students learn complex rhythms, and memorize them as well. It can increase SAT scores and lead to students having a higher IQ. Research suggests that kids who are enrolled in music classes have had increasing SAT scores than those who are not enrolled in music courses.  

Students in Mr. David Sobel’s intermediate and advanced guitar classes said that music teaches them hard work with their upcoming events like Solo and Ensemble, a music showcase in which students can show off their progress with a piece either with a group, or independently. Preparing for this event has allowed students to practice self-discipline.   

“He has made me come out of my shell and made me express myself more,” Spencer Gudaman (‘22) said.  

While also teaching students discipline, guitar class brings a positive environment towards students who are shy or lack confidence. Students feel that Mr. Sobel’s guitar class helps brighten their mood for the rest of their courses for the day.       

“It allows me to be creative instead of constantly doing work in other classes,” Megan Holbrook (‘23) said.                                                                                                                       

 Students have been noticing more focus in themselves. Especially since students come to school sluggish and still waking up, music can open their minds.  Many high school students take harder classes and are jam packed with work. They have time to catch up and relax while learning.  

“Guitar brightens my day. It makes me get straight A’s and sets me up for the rest of the day,” Jonathan Gorman (‘22) said. 

Music classes go much farther than just learning an instrument. They teach important life lessons and helps develop skills for the future.