Modern day feminism is quickly losing is focus

Spencer Stout, Reporter

No, I am a not a misogynist. No, I am not a bigot. Nor am I sexist, homophobic, or any of the other criteria required to be considered a “deplorable.” Nor am I even a Trump supporter, but that is beside the point. What I am is an aggravated citizen sick and tired of the hypocritical, judgmental, and condescending message that the neo-feminist movement is spreading.

However, before I go any further, I am also not trying to discredit the achievements of women in the past who fought for equality. Women like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and countless others were instrumental in gaining equality for women (many of whom  many of us are familiar with considering we’re forced to read about them in every SAT or AP Test).

On Jan. 20, 2018, millions of people across the country marched for what was described by the Women’s March Organization as “Power to the Polls.” Throughout the march, people chanted phrases like “hands too small, can’t build a wall” and “girls just want fundamental human rights.”

Besides the fact that I am not sure what “fundamental human rights” women don’t have, the others slogans (many of which I can’t publish) are examples of what the Women’s March, and the larger part of the neo-feminist movement as a whole, is really all about. It’s about being anti-Trump and bashing anyone who opposes their view.

I wouldn’t really have a problem with this except for the fact that we are supposed to believe that this grand crusade against Trump and conservatism is somehow more powerful or more valuable because the protestors are women.

Even though many of the pathetic slogans from the Women’s March aren’t meant to be taken entirely seriously, it just shows that at this point the Feminist Movement has become so consumed in its own self-righteousness that it doesn’t even have an agenda.

It used to be that being a feminist meant that you stood for something, and for many women that is still the case. Even though I am very pro-life and think that there is a very important distinction between claiming a “wage gap” instead of an “earnings gap,” at least these are actual things you can protest for. The reason I can’t stand the Women’s March is not because I’m sexist or misogynistic, but rather because I don’t think there should be any credibility given to people that stop traffic to whine, complain, and smear those who oppose their views.

What’s worse is how hypocritical the Women’s March has become. It used to be that in order to be allowed to be a “feminist” all you really had to be was a female. However now, in order to be categorized as a “true” feminist, you’re expected to join the feminist verbal campaign against conservatism as well. That’s why the New-Wave Feminist Group, a group of self-described feminists that also happens to be pro-life, was excluded from the Women’s March.

Even though I’m pro-life, I would respect the Organizers’ right to exclude this group from the march if there weren’t people allowed to march that carried signs with slogans like, “Life starts when you stand up to Christian Fascists!” If you are pro-choice, it’s important to understand that people who are pro-life aren’t the anti-women demons that an un-nerving number of feminists depict us as.

The reason our side of the issue is called “pro-life” is because we believe in defending the lives of the unborn. It is not because we want to prevent women from having certain rights. Although only a small minority of feminists act in this manner, it is these people that are hoisted on a pedestal by the Neo-Feminist Movement.

I’m not the only one who is strongly turned off because of this. 53% of white women voted for Trump instead of the pro-feminist candidate Hillary Clinton. The reason for this is not because they’re a “traitor” to their own cause, but rather because many women are also turned off by the aggressive rhetoric that much of the modern feminist movement pushes.