Pep Rally Schedule


Photo by Emma Coleman

Seniors celebrate their 2016-17 Pep Rally.

Will Amos, Online Editor

7:35- Warning Tone/ Students report to Period 1

7:40- Begin Period 1

8:40- End Period 1

8:45- Begin Period 2

9:45- End Period 2

9:50- Begin Period 5

10:50- End Period 5

Enrichment Hour- 10:50- 11:50

Lunch A- 10:50- 11:20                                                                     Lunch B- 11:20- 11:50

Grades 10 and 11                                                                             Grades 9 and 12

11:55- Begin Period 6

12:55- End Period 6

Dismiss students to Pep Rally when instructed via announcement by the Administration.